Welcome to Decentralized Systems

This is the Home site of the CirkuitBreaker project.  We are working on creating the perfect conductor that emulates a natural organism.  Every Business or Community is made up of people that organize themselves exactly like any other organism.  Trees and plants show us the branching circuit that defines how everything in this reality works.  Light moves relative to the amount of resistance, or conflict that is present.  We have the ability to expedite our own evolution by replicating the laws that govern our reality, instead of continuing to use systems that create more conflict.  Fear causes conflict and Love brings everything together.  It really is just as simple as that.

Growth increases with structure

Decentralization is how nature works

I love trees!  They are the electrical structure inside of a field of awareness.  “See the lilies of the field and how they grow….”

A natural organism is decentralized in its decision-making.  Any change to one part creates a change in the whole organism.  Your nervous system works the same way.

Increasingly complex structures move more energy resulting in an evolution of consciousness.


Always learn new ways of doing things.  Our world is evolving and it will leave us in the dust if we do not evolve with it.


Achieve whatever you desire in life.  Become the hero in your own story!

Get Moving!

What is your heart is telling you to do?  Ignore everything else.  There is no other path to true freedom and happiness.

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