Mission Statement

Creating equal give and take relationships to balance our lives at home and in our communities

Guidelines of our project

This project is legally based on the following tenants, and is also what we promote for every business or community for everlasting growth:

1) We unconditionally love ourselves so that we respect and love each other the same way.

2) We never try to control one another or fight for control, only serve and support one another and make group decisions that impact those specific groups.

3) By being of service to one another, we continue to grow and expand the way we serve the world.

4) By maintaining a pure intent for the well-being of ourselves and each other, we maintain it by holding ourselves and each other accountable in equality and mutual respect, and purge toxicity from the project.

5) All of us are growing and make mistakes in how we serve one another. As long as we continue to maintain our pure intent for the well-being of ourselves and each other, all of us will continue to grow forever.

6) We are all individuals and are unique in our own right. By connecting in a healthy way and being allowed to follow our heart, we unlock our personal creativity along with our unique skills to make the world a better place.

7) There is no job or task in this world that is more important than any other. No matter what we decide to do in this life, as long as it does not harm ourselves or others, then we are all equal and should be treated as such.

Every healthy relationship is built upon strong boundaries, and these are the boundaries that shall be honored within our group. Every tree bears fruit that is dependant upon how it is watered and pruned. We grow continually by accepting where we are at, unconditionally loving ourselves, and continuing to let go of the things that do not serve us.

How does it work?

We recognize that everything we see in society is a manifestation of our inner world. As we grow internally, it manifests itself in the world around us. If we structure our relationships in a way that allow either inequality or unaccountability, then those relationships will ultimately fail. Nature has already given us the template. All we need to do is follow the example.

How does a healthy organism work?

Compare the two pictures above. Every organism is controlled from the outside, and that control increases until it reaches the heart. That includes your own body. Your hands control your elbow, your elbow controls your shoulder, and so on until you reach your heart. Our current systems do not emulate this natural state, because people unconsciously try to control the outside world instead of themselves. By connecting ourselves in a healthy way, it forces us to constantly work on self-control and service to one another, eliminating toxicity in ourselves and consequently our relationship with each other.

Every aspect of control should emulate a natural organism including how the organism grows. Teams select their own team leaders and those leaders are not guaranteed to keep their position. Teams have the ability to pull leaders back down if they try to control and need to learn more about service. Everything is built upon compassion and understanding for the individual. A leader is part of the branching circuit of the organism, so their only job is to move energy and information up and down the organism between the control end and the supply end of the heart. Every position works FOR the control side. This guarantees that every position is in service to the other. Every position in the business has the same potential as any other, so there is no conflict to achieve any specific role. This allows everyone to follow their heart and become part of groups that are co-creative. Conflict always restricts creative energy.

Your body self manages, and our project emulates that process. Every group should be able to force toxicity from the system, just as your own body uses surrounding tissue to bind foreign bodies and extricate them. This is a process and involves warnings and intent review. All of us deserve to have our concerns heard if there is conflict and we have built a system to support that without the need for an HR department. A mediator will always be necessary however, and that position is selected by majority.

Education is everything

The prime directive for this project is education. Just as we connect internally through equality and mutual respect, so do we educate the community and business world. Nobody should ever be forced to join a group, only educated on best practices for working together. Our Mission Statement is to heal this world through education. To teach as many as possible to love themselves unconditionally, respect themselves, and let that love and respect pour into the people around them in service. To teach the uniqueness of everyone. To teach communities to support one another and allow everyone to follow their heart to serve in whatever way that suits them best. To see everyone’s offering as equal and beautiful in every way. Following your heart and learning to control your energy has the power to heal in every way. It doesn’t matter how we connect, only to teach people how to serve one another and how that path leads to healing of the mind, body, and soul.

Our children are our future

Our children’s mental health should be one of our primary concerns. Our education systems need to understand how to empower every student and teach them how to protect their energy. There are so many things in society that are drawing attention away from students that they are having an identity crisis. Children need to be taught mutual self-respect and self care above all things and how to do that. Protecting our energy and where we put it enables us to find out what it is that we have to offer for each other. Let’s teach our children how to behave towards one another by teaching them how to honor and treat their own minds and bodies.

The same way that our own body functions is the same way a healthy society functions. Our history shows a focus on exterior control versus self-control. Attempting to control other people leads to unhealthy relationships, whereas control of the self leads to beneficial mutual respect. Our unhealthy way of viewing ourselves and one another has lead to the unhealthy structures we see today. This project is dedicated to healing all of us from the inside out, so that we may build structures that represent that healed state of being.

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

Mark 8:36 KJV


Always learn new ways of doing things.  Our world is evolving and it will leave us in the dust if we do not evolve with it.


Achieve whatever you desire in life.  Become the hero in your own story!

Get Moving!

What is your heart is telling you to do?  Ignore everything else.  There is no other path to true freedom and happiness.

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