Transform Your Life with Our Self-Mastery Guide – Start Creating Your Own Success Today!

Unlock Your Potential: The Guide to Self-Mastery teaches you to heal from within and take control of your life. Feel empowered and confident in every step. Only $11.11

Build Meaningful Connections: The Guide to Co-Creation includes an 11-page contract and insights on creating successful relationships. Set the right boundaries and achieve your goals together. Just $22.22

Get the Best of Both Worlds: Purchase both guides for the unbeatable price of $22.22 and transform your personal and professional relationships.

Are you happy with the world we have created?

Tired of Limited Career Choices? Discover how to create your own path and eliminate self-doubt with our Self-Mastery and Co-Creation Guides. Overcome societal imbalances and achieve true freedom.

Let’s be honest, that last question is a doosy!

If you want to go it on your own,

And don’t want to work for someone else,

you have two basic options if you don’t want to borrow money.

1) You can become a Sales and Marketing expert, and get paid to make other people money or…

2) You can become some type of coach or healer.

I don’t like either of those options because

Both of them are heavily dependent upon market conditions.


I’m here to tell you a secret…..


The imbalances of society around self-worth have created all the inequality that we see, and it has bled into how we do business. The reality is that there is nothing wrong with anyone, and our desire to create and naturally receive is at the heart of who we are. None of us should feel the need to “sell” ourselves to one another. It creates a lack mindset.

Do you need someone to tell you how to work?

Wouldn’t it make a lot more sense to make decisions together on what we want for each other in equality?

Is our pursuit for money handicapping our ability to create as a society?

It is no secret that money rules the world. It allows those who have more to control those with less. It has forced millions of entrepreneurs to sell themselves with no apparent offering other than “I can scale your business for you!” or “You can live a life of abundance, let me help you with that….”

What are we doing?

The real secret lies in becoming a creator. Create something that either entertains people or fills a need, and it WILL NOT matter what the market conditions are, you are free.

Modern platforms have given rise to thousands of creators that have found freedom by providing entertaining content. There is just one final key to the puzzle that will free us as a society…….

Creating in Equality!

Why haven’t we done this before?

The reason is pretty simple. We haven’t learned to set the right boundaries in our relationships.

Why would I allow someone to believe they have more worth than me?

Better yet, why would I believe that I have more worth than anyone else?

All of us are simply conductors of energy and information. In order to be more imaginative from our heart space, we need to breath naturally. You won’t breathe naturally if you are trying to trigger another person’s emotional state into a lack mindset.

If you are not creating and receiving naturally, it will always put you in some kind of conflict with your environment.

At our core, all of us want to love and be loved unconditionally.

This is the cornerstone of setting the right boundaries for working together in Co-Creation.

Welcome to the Guide to Co-Creation!

By setting the right boundaries in our relationships, creating things gets easy!

Using our imagination and creating things together is what heals us from the inside out.

Is there anything more fun than building things with your friends?

For each other?

Picture this for me…..

 One million people working together to both build products and support one another in equality.

Take an average healthy corporation in today’s society and distribute its Net Profits equally among co-owners, where everyone is a co-owner instead of an employee. The average person would be making WAY more than the lowest paid person, even more than the best paid blue collar worker.

The average income of a healthy corporation if divided that way would probably be around 180k per year. That isn’t the best part…..

The community assets of something like that would give you more access to vacation property, etc. that is all owned by the co-owners of the business and creates more wealth owned than any other person on the planet working in the old system, even the uber rich.

You wouldn’t have to sacrifice personal assets because you’re already making more money on average for whatever house you wanted to live in, or car you want to drive, or toys you want to own. Why buy toys for yourself though?

Why not create community toys for all your co-owners (friends) to use whatever toys you can buy, create, and/or imagine?

Everything is about community wealth.

It just needs to be structured to be self-managing. None of us want to work for anyone, ever again.

It also needs a way to hold us accountable for an agreed amount of time to work. I can guarantee you that it will be less than what we have going on right now….

Teamwork makes the Dreamwork….

For a company that had one million people, you would have access to community assets to own the area of a medium sized state. You could distribute community properties around the globe for co-owners.

The only reason that we are not living in paradise right now is because of greed, and the need for one person to make more than another.

Accountability is a big issue. We are all accountable to our peers, but the old systems we have created don’t build equal accountability. That has been the primary cause of the dysfunction.

All we need to do is structure ourselves based on our relationship with each other instead of money. Let the rest of the world live the way they want to…

Everything starts on the inside….

Everything begins with your state of being.

When it comes to entertainment, nobody wants to watch someone who is in a poor state of mind.

The same can be said for working together. It isn’t a big deal to lift each other up when we need support, but ultimately, it is up to us to master our own state of being.

This is why I created The Guide to Self-Mastery!

It doesn’t matter what you are doing or who you are interacting with, mastering yourself is something that should be your top priority.

It determines how you view yourself and other people. 

It is what enables you to be successful in any area of your life.

There isn’t anything more important than learning to love yourself unconditionally so you can emulate that love for others.

Self-knowledge is what creates healthy boundaries and keeps you from falling into negative patterns that could destroy your relationships.

Don’t Wait – Start Your Journey Now! Download the Guide to Self-Mastery and begin your transformation today.

Why do you need this?

Our world is changing rapidly. The only reason that I was able to foresee what was going to happen is by using the techniques in my Guide to Self-Mastery.

It is being called a “spiritual awakening”, but the reality is that more and more of the population is becoming more self-aware. More people are learning of how they are being taken advantage of, and are taking steps to change their perception and their lives.

We are all one. As soon as we start structuring our relationships correctly to build the world we all want to live in, then things will start to change rapidly.

Co-Creation and building things with other people is my passion, but more than that, I want you to understand how to heal yourself from the inside out. You can do it. Anyone can do it. 

Purchase and download one or both for the same price as my Guide to Co-Creation!

Unlock Your Potential: The Guide to Self-Mastery teaches you to heal from within and take control of your life. Feel empowered and confident in every step. Only $11.11

Build Meaningful Connections: The Guide to Co-Creation includes an 11-page contract and insights on creating successful relationships. Set the right boundaries and achieve your goals together. Just $22.22.

Get the Best of Both Worlds: Purchase both guides for the unbeatable price of $22.22 and transform your personal and professional relationships.

Why does this work?

Both the Guide to Self-Mastery and Guide to Co-Creation are based on the deepest spiritual principles.

As long as you follow spiritual principles that have been taught for thousands of years, your needs will always be met. 

As long as you structure your business and community around those spiritual principles, then people will always be in a state of growth.

Leaders will be elevated organically, and will never be in a position to take advantage of someone else. This last one is most important.

I recommend purchasing both guides. If you already have a business, please reach out. As long as you start moving in the right direction, you can save your business, and people’s needs will be met.

Make sure you are following these age old principles in your life and relationships, and you will not only be successful, but you and the people around you will grow forever.

You can be anything you want to be

We are starting to unlock the keys to this reality. If you pay attention to the airwaves, people are learning who we really are. We are living in an oasis were all we have to do is let go of control. Letting go is not easy, but it will make you grow in ways that you didn’t know were possible.

You can read about my own journey of self-discovery in my recent book, There Is Only One Heart.

We are all one. Once enough people figure it out, we will start creating a much better place for our children to inherit.


All proceeds will be used to support the group development that is being sold here. There is nothing I want more than to co-create with all of you and create a world that most of us want to live in. Most of the population is doing it unconsciously. Why not make it a conscious effort?


Always learn new ways of doing things.  Our world is evolving and it will leave us in the dust if we do not evolve with it.


Achieve whatever you desire in life.  Become the hero in your own story!

Get Moving!

What is your heart is telling you to do?  Ignore everything else.  There is no other path to true freedom and happiness.

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