Our Evolution
By Brian Curtis 02/21/2023
Denial. We are all in some state of denial. For me personally, I am constantly reminded that I do no appreciate or recognize my own power. I will occasionally draw tarot cards just as a hobby. Tarot is just a way of accessing information that you already know intuitively, as long as you treat it that way. You could use any card that has a message on it to randomize the messaging you are getting. The trick is to recognize that the messaging isn’t necessarily random, but your higher self trying to tell you something. Drawing cards isn’t necessary to do this. You can access your higher self through meditation, or just by looking and listening to the world around you. Everything is telling you something when you learn to listen. The card I got 3 days ago in the “blockers & inhibitions” position was the Judgement card. I had pulled a Celtic Cross draw. Feel free to look it up if you are not familiar. Anyway, the judgement card in this position reads as follows, “When judgement appears in this position, you lack confidence in your own soul. You seem to believe that everyone else’s being is divine and yours is not. That you lack belief in your own worth, rightness and immortality is the very last veil that keeps you from reunion with your greater self. You can pull this thin, transparent veil aside by choosing wholeness over fragmentation and obscurity. When the veil parts, you will feel it like a thunderclap, a trumpet blast. Your inner self awaits your acceptance so it can bless you with all the powers and gifts you already possess but may not be aware of.” I was triggered.
I thought about that card the whole next day, and couldn’t get it out of my mind. I kept thinking about what I had been doing over the past year, and how my life had changed along with the path I was following. I found myself in constant denial of the fact that I was indeed shaping the reality around me, but because I did not believe in my own power to do so, I was constantly in a state of confusion as to which direction that I needed to go. I was always looking for guidance and praying, “please tell me what to do”. This is a very tough place to be because it leaves you in a state where you do not trust your own decisions. The answers were always right in front of me, but were kept from me by my own delusions of reality. I can lecture about the structure and the field all day long, but even though I knew how it worked, I denied my own participation in the process of letting go, creating an intent, and following my intuition. I was doing all of it, but until 2 days ago, I was blinded by my own true power. I have always known that I have a whole suite of spiritual gifts that I rarely access, mostly because of my level of empathy. Empathy is just the ability to feel the world around you in various ways. Every spiritual gift is some form of empathy, because you are getting information and energy from the world around you that is unique to your own blueprint. Anyone can increase their level of sensitivity, or empathy, by continually grounding themselves in meditation or literally, to move more energy through the biofield. The question becomes, even though I knew the how’s and why’s, why was I in constant denial even though I was actively creating the reality of my intent?
I want to try to explain this as clearly as possible so you understand. It is one thing to understand how something works, and another thing altogether by living that reality. It’s like reading a book about building an airplane, but it is all theory until you actually build the thing and have the experience. First, I’ll give a brief overview of how it works and what things to avoid. The number one thing you have to take care of is your intent. As long as you understand the “Law of One”, your intent should be pretty good. The law of one says that everything is one at its source, so all of us are connected in one consciousness that is creating this reality by way of space and time. I wrote a whole book on the subject, and I may just release the chapters here, not sure yet. If you understand that you are one with the people around you, then you will understand how karma works, which is the same thing as Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Always think of yourself as one with anyone you meet, and set your intent to be in service to that person. Doing this is the start of a purification process. It is really the only “safe” way to control reality. You can set any intent that you want, but if your intent is to create any type of unequal exchange of energy or power, then you will receive a backlash eventually, no matter what. It may take multiple lifetimes, but karma always catches up. Karma is just the return circuit of energies that you are putting out. Your thoughts will mirror your intent in many ways, but will be constantly polluted by your subconscious if your heart is not healed. Healing your heart is a process and if you follow your intuition by creating a pure intent, you can do it. Nothing is ever easy, but it is worth it. I know I just said a lot there, but you will be able to calm your mind much easier once your heart is healed, because there is no longer unconscious energies floating around in your biofield that are trying to pull your energy, or anyone else’s.
Ok, so how is this all related to our divine power and evolution? Creating intent is just one piece of the puzzle. As long as you believe you are a victim in any way, you do not understand your own divinity, or oneness with everything else. Negative thoughts are created if you believe that you are a victim of circumstance. We are definitely in cooperation here, but if you keep thinking that someone has power over you in any way, then they will. You are creating that relationship in your mind. The last thing you want to do is try to believe that you have power over someone else, because trying to control someone will only lead to negative karma. Another pitfall is the idea of “money consciousness”. This is being taught as a thing, but it is only real in your mind if you let it. If you decide that your worth is connected to money in any way, you are limiting your worth. Not only that, but you are judging the world around you by other people’s money status. That is all an illusion of course, because we are who we believe ourselves to be, and not some material thing that we might or might not be connected to. I don’t care if you have one dollar or a billion dollars, you are the same to me. All I will do is listen very carefully to how you present yourself to me to see how I may be of service. If you believe that you have some kind of status in relation to money, than I will sense it and probably just walk away. You are doing yourself a disservice and don’t realize it. The easiest people to get along with are people with a heart of service, and understand that we all need each other. I have learned that true wealth consciousness is the ability to set a pure intent, and allow the universe to purify your heart and mind by showing how your are not being of service, so that you can be what you were born to be. Once you start manifesting your purpose in life, your passion will ignite. Nothing is more rewarding than living your passion, but you will not know what that is until you make the journey. The universe is also showing you, constantly by the way, that your intent is being answered in a number of ways, but listening is a very hard skill to learn. Once you realize that you ARE creating your own reality, listening will become much easier, and the flow of life as well.
So the real question for me has become, what is my passion? If this whole series of events that I just went through over the past year has shown me how to heal myself and control reality by intent, then is that more important than the business model here on this website? In many ways, yes. Any type of co-dependency on other people will create a lack of self awareness. Not only that, but you may be relying on someone else’s ability to create what they want. They have already found their life’s purpose, so you are probably working for them, even if you are making the same amount of money WITH them. Anyone who has not reached their own understanding of their own divinity will always be in a state of lack, no matter how much money they have created. If they ever lose their job and income, they will have to go through the process that I just went through and overcome any fear that comes from a lack of understanding, and a lack of money has nothing to do with it. If someone doesn’t understand this, then they will move from job to job, always working for someone else. The business model here is a way that we can co-create whatever we want together. We will make all of our decisions together to create the world that we want to experience together, but I would not want to work with someone who felt like they are working towards my goals and selling my product or service. They will always be unhappy in some way, because even if we both made the same amount and agreed on everything, they wouldn’t be following their passion. I can’t think of anything more important than learning to travel forward in faith with a pure intent for the people around you. It will strip you bare. You will have to overcome every fear and question yourself in every way. You will realize all of your discrepancies and constantly come to dead ends where you will have to forgive yourself and move forward in faith. It humbles you in ways that cannot be quantified. It will ignite your passion to help other people find their self-worth and learn to forgive themselves so they can find their true purpose in life.
This is our evolution. Our society is changing because there is more and more energy moving through our solar system. Old systems are breaking down and more and more people are starting to follow their heart and intuition. This is going to reach a breaking point, and we are at the beginning of it as I write this. As more and more people find love much more appealing than fear, we will all start working together instead of for one or the other. Letting go of the illusion of control is very difficult. Positions of power are temporary as we shall soon see. The reason I built the model on this website was to create a business model that emulated a natural organism that is controlled by its environment and self manages. An intuition-based model that is forced to grow with the changing winds. I do not believe that connecting people in this way will be possible however, unless the people associated with this model have already come to terms with their own divinity. It is not easy to let go, but your faith will make you whole as long as your intent is pure. You will always be protected while you strive to create from the pure you. You can tell anybody that thinks otherwise that I AM THAT I AM said so.