

I am a natural born mediator. I have been mediating conflicts my whole life. It pays when you can see both sides to every issue and that is what is demanded of a successful mediator.

Conflicts are born from two factors

1) The needs of each party. Conflicts arise when people aren’t getting their needs met. Lack of vulnerability is usually at the heart of this and exterier control without communication is the result. Conflicts stagnate or escalate when each party continues to attempt to control the actions of the other.

2) External controls. Every individual and business has external controls that they have no power over. All of us have personal and business requirements that need to be taken into account before any agreement can be finalized. The way we manage external controls is often the source of the conflict and taking equal accountability and equal share takes part in the solution.

The Solution

Self knowledge and emotional mastery is always the path towards eliminating conflict. The first step towards any productive outcome is to educate each party privately about their own motivations and how to manage them. The energy we put out there is what we get in return, so everything starts at the energetic level. External controls that need to be taken into account are secondary. After taking an account of each party and what controls need to be managed, I will be able to give advice to each on how to communicate their needs and come to an agreement. Every agreement is different, and there will be many no’s before there are yes’s. I am impartial and ground stress naturally.

I can help you

There is no cookie cutter solution for any conflict. You will talk and I will listen. I set strong boundaries to make sure that every party, including myself, are listening to each other’s needs and stating their own needs to help bring a resolution as quickly as possible. The only resistance to successful negotiation is the withholding of our thoughts and feelings towards one another. I can help you expedite that process.

What is this going to cost?

It will only cost you my time and travel. I don’t charge any commission on any agreement due to remaining impartial to the outcome.

Click on the Calendar below to get your free consultation!


All information provided to me by you shall be held in the strictest confidence and I will not under any circumstance, disclose any information provided by you to any third party unless you give me permission in writing to do so.


Always learn new ways of doing things.  Our world is evolving and it will leave us in the dust if we do not evolve with it.


Achieve whatever you desire in life.  Become the hero in your own story!

Get Moving!

What is your heart is telling you to do?  Ignore everything else.  There is no other path to true freedom and happiness.

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